Illustrating the length-weight relationship (LWR, of the form W = a·Lb) of Torquigener hypselogeneion, based on 817 individuals (sexes combined) sampled near Fethiye, with a = 0.0165 and b = 3.0471 and r2 = 0.907; see also Table 3). Note that the females (dots) reach larger sizes than the males (squares).

  Part of: Ulman A, Akbora HD, Çanak O, Chu E, Çiçek BA, Ersönmez H, Mavruk S, Özyurt CE, Yildiz T, Liu A, Demirel N, Pauly D (2023) A biological and ecological study of the invasive pufferfish Torquigener hypselogeneion (Bleeker 1852) [conspecific Torquigener flavimaculosus Hardy & Randall, 1983] in the Eastern Mediterranean. Aquatic Invasions 18(1): 59-81.