Research Article
Research Article
Preferential presence in harbours confirms the non-indigenous species status of Ammonia confertitesta (Foraminifera) in the English Channel
expand article infoJean-Charles Pavard, Vincent M. P. Bouchet, Julien Richirt§, Apolyne Courleux, Eric Armynot du Châtelet, Gwendoline Duong, Romain Abraham, Jean-Philippe Pezy|, Jean-Claude Dauvin|, Laurent Seuront#
‡ Université de Lille, Lille, France
§ X-star, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Yokosuka, Japan
| Normandie Université, Caen, France
¶ Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Tokyo, Japan
# Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa
Open Access


Though the morphological discrimination of the three pseudo-cryptic Ammonia species, A. aberdoveyensis, A. confertitesta and A. veneta, has been recently established, information on their ecology and habitats are still relatively scarce. This study aims to define distribution patterns of these species at eight sites scattered along the French coasts of the English Channel, over a total of 39 stations. These sites were classified into two habitats, either harbours (heavily modified sites) or less impacted (moderately influenced sites). The use of IndVal index (an index based on how a species is statistically specific to a habitat) clearly indicates that A. confertitesta is recorded preferentially in or close to harbours. Considering its non-indigenous species (NIS) status in Europe, we investigated its reported occurrences in Europe in the literature. It almost always showed a proximity to major European harbours. Sometimes, this species occurred relatively far away from these harbours, suggesting a secondary spread. Finally, this work interprets A. confertitesta being a NIS in the eastern English Channel with assumptions of being invasive regarding its dominance over the indigenous species A. aberdoveyensis and A. veneta. Complementary works such as retrospective core studies of fossil faunas are needed to quantitatively assess when and where A. confertitesta was introduced in Europe and potentially started to replace its congenerics A. veneta and A. aberdoveyensis.

Key words

benthic foraminifera, Ammonia species, exotic species, Northeast Atlantic, International commercial harbours


Several studies reported the presence of various non-indigenous species (NIS) along the French coasts of the English Channel, mostly in harbours such as Le Havre (review in Pezy et al. 2021), Dunkerque (Brylinski 1981; Gothland et al. 2014; Antajan 2014; Dauvin et al. 2019), Calais (Brylinski et al. 2012) and Caen-Ouistreham (Charles et al. 2018; Faillettaz et al. 2020). Most of these NIS originate from the North Pacific Ocean and were first reported in anthropised areas such as harbours and marinas (Minchin et al. 2013). Worldwide, harbours are acknowledged as one of the main gateways for the introduction of NIS. Specifically, NIS are transported via ballast waters, sediments and hull fouling from commercial shipping (Goulletquer et al. 2002; Oliveira 2007; Minchin et al. 2013). The English Channel noticeably hosts at least 152 NIS belonging to different groups of organisms (Goulletquer et al. 2002; Dewarumez et al. 2011; Pezy et al. 2021) such as ctenophores (Antajan 2014), copepods (Seuront 2005; Brylinski et al. 2012), sea squirts (Dupont et al. 2007), isopods (Raoux et al. 2020), bivalves (Faillettaz et al. 2020; Dauvin et al. 2022), polychaetes and amphipods (Spilmont et al. 2018). To the best of our knowledge, the only NIS foraminifera recorded in the English Channel is Trochammina hadai, Uchio 1962 (Bouchet et al. 2023). The number of exotic foraminifera may be largely underestimated considering the numerous NIS macro-invertebrates recorded in the English Channel so far (see above references). While foraminifera are often overlooked in NIS surveys due to their minute size, they occupy a pivotal position in the benthic food web by linking lower and higher trophic levels (Lipps and Valentine 1970; Nomaki et al. 2008; Haynert et al. 2020). Because NIS proliferation may impact ecosystem functioning (McKinney and Lockwood 1999; Sousa et al. 2011; Mayer-Pinto et al. 2015), it is important to track these inconspicuous invaders.

Ammonia is one of the most common foraminiferal genera in intertidal area and shallow waters of the English Channel coast (Alve 2001; Hart et al. 2020; Richirt et al. 2021). In the English Channel, records of Ammonia species are mostly lumped under the morphogroup Ammonia tepida (Swallow 2000; Armynot du Châtelet et al. 2009, 2018; Francescangeli et al. 2020). Nevertheless, A. tepida actually represents a complex of three pseudo-cryptic species, first discriminated by molecular studies (Hayward et al. 2004), and only recently using morphological criteria (Richirt et al. 2019; Pavard et al. 2021). Among these three species, i.e. A. veneta, Schultze 1854, A. aberdoveyensis Haynes 1973 and A. confertitesta, Zheng 1978 (respectively phylotypes T1, T2 and T6; Hayward et al. 2021), A. confertitesta is regarded as a NIS originating from Asia and introduced in Europe through ballast waters (Hayward et al. 2004; Pawlowski and Holzmann 2008), a hypothesis supported by the remarkable disjunct distribution of Ammonia confertitesta between Europe and Asia (Hayward et al. 2021). The complete absence of Ammonia in the Baltic Sea (Hermelin 1987; Murray 2006) until the first record of A. confertitesta in sediment dated from 2000 (Schweizer et al. 2011) further suggests that this species is a NIS. In Europe, it has been reported in Hanö Bay (Sweden; Bird et al. 2020), the Elbe Estuary (Germany; Francescangeli et al. 2021), Lake Grevelingen (the Netherlands; Richirt et al. 2020), Great Britain coasts of the North Sea, the English Channel, the Celtic Sea and the Irish Sea (Saad and Wade 2016), along the French coasts of the eastern English Channel (Richirt et al. 2021) and further south along the French Atlantic coasts, in the ‘Baie de l’Aiguillon’ (Bird et al. 2020), in the Gironde Estuary (Pavard et al. in press) and also in the Mediterranean Sea (Camargue; Richirt et al. 2019).

In this context, the objectives of this study are (i) to document the distribution of the three Ammonia species along the French coasts of the eastern English Channel, (ii) to compare their distribution between several water bodies and (iii) to further confirm the NIS status of Ammonia confertitesta in Europe.

Material and methods

Sampling sites and stations

A total of 39 stations were sampled at eight sites of transitional environments (sensu McLusky and Elliott 2007) in the eastern English Channel along French coasts (Fig. 1). Five sites were harbours and were considered as water bodies heavily modified by human activities (WFD 2000/60/EC), i.e. Caen-Ouistreham (CO), Le Havre (LH), Calais (CL), Boulogne-sur-Mer (BL) and Dunkerque (DK). The three other sites were considered as less impacted sites moderately influenced by human activities (Nasseh and Texier 2000; Poirier et al. 2006; Caplat et al. 2006), i.e. the Bay of Veys (BV), the Orne River (O) and the Authie Estuary (AE). For all sites, the sampling date and a brief description of each station is reported in Table 1. All stations from harbours were sampled in shallow subtidal environment (maximum depth: 18 m) except for all stations in Boulogne-sur-Mer and the station LH1 in Le Havre that were sampled in intertidal environment. All stations of sites considered as less impacted outside harbours were sampled in intertidal environment.

Table 1.

Sites, dates of sampling, anthropogenic impact level, station ID, GPS coordinates and typological description.

Site-Date-Impact level Station Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude Description
Foram-INDIC project
Bay of Veys (BV) BV1 49°23'35"N, 1°9'27"W Intertidal, located at the limit of the bay, sandy mud sediment
09/02/2019 BV2 49°21'33"N, 1°9'36"W Intertidal, located at the mouth of a river, slightly sandy mud sediment
Less impacted BV3 49°21'44"N, 1°9'3"W Intertidal, located at the mouth of a river, sandy mud sediment
BV4 49°23'19"N, 1°4'55"W Intertidal, located at the limit of the bay, sandy mud sediment
Caen-Ouistreham (CO) CO1 49°17'11"N, 0°14'42"W Subtidal, located before the sluice and direct link to the sea, sandy mud sediment
09/10/2019 CO2 49°16'34"N, 0°14'59"W Subtidal, located after the sluice in the canal, slightly sandy mud sediment
Harbour CO3 49°16'8"N, 0°15'6"W Subtidal, located after the sluice in the canal, slightly sandy mud sediment
CO4 49°15'36"N, 0°15'18"W Subtidal, located after the sluice in the canal, slightly sandy mud sediment
CO5 49°14'58"N, 0°16'8"W Subtidal, located after the sluice in the canal, slightly sandy mud sediment
Orne River (O) O1 49°16'53"N, 0°13'43"W Intertidal, sandy mud sediment
09/03/2019 O2 49°16'44"N, 0°13'25"W Intertidal, slightly sandy mud sediment
Less impacted O3 49°16'0"N, 0°13'51"W Intertidal, slightly sandy mud sediment
O4 49°15'38"N, 0°15'7"W Intertidal, slightly sandy mud sediment
Le Havre (LH) LH1 49°29'26"N, 0°5'48"E Intertidal, in a marina, mud sediment
09/11/2019 LH2 49°29'9"N, 0°5'49"E Subtidal, in the industrial part, mud sediment
Harbour LH3 49°28'34"N, 0°7'38"E Subtidal, in the industrial part, mud sediment
LH4 49°28'17"N, 0°10'15"E Subtidal, in the industrial part, mud sediment
Authie estuary (A) AE1 50°23'38"N, 1°33'53"E Intertidal, located in the bay part of the estuary, slightly sandy mud sediment
10/16/2019 AE2 50°22'1"N, 1°34'25"E Intertidal, located at the mouth of the estuary, slightly sandy mud sediment
Less impacted AE3 50°22'2"N, 1°34'31"E Intertidal, located at the mouth of the estuary, sandy mud sediment
AE4 50°22'14"N, 1°37'31"E Intertidal, located in the river of Authie, slightly sandy mud sediment
Calais (CL) CL1 50°57'39"N, 1°50'39"E Subtidal, in a marina separated by a sluice, mud sediment
10/29/2019 CL2 50°57'48"N, 1°50'58"E Intertidal, sampled at high tide, located after the sluice with a direct link to the sea, mud sediment
Harbour CL3 50°57'45"N, 1°51'33"E Subtidal, in the industrial basin of the harbour, separated from the sea by a sluice, mud sediment
CL4 50°57'31"N, 1°51'40"E Subtidal, in the industrial basin of the harbour, separated from the sea by a sluice, slightly sandy mud sediment
CL5 50°58'7"N, 1°51'21"E Subtidal, located in the ferries part of the harbour, slightly sandy mud sediment
CL6 50°58'12"N, 1°51'59"E Subtidal, located in the ferries part of the harbour, slightly sandy mud sediment
Dunkerque (DK) DK1 51°2'58"N, 2°18'14"E Subtidal, located in the canal of the main industrial basin, slightly sandy mud sediment
09/08/2020 DK2 51°3'8"N, 2°19'8"E Subtidal, located in the canal of the main industrial basin, slightly sandy mud sediment
Harbour DK3 51°3'14"N, 2°19'58"E Subtidal, located in the canal of the main industrial basin, slightly sandy mud sediment
DK4 51°2'57"N, 2°20'53"E Subtidal, in the main industrial basin, slightly sandy mud sediment
DK5 51°2'46"N, 2°21'36"E Subtidal, in the main industrial basin, slightly sandy mud sediment
DK6 51°2'59"N, 2°21'57"E Subtidal, located in the marina, slightly sandy mud sediment
DK7 51°2'41"N, 2°22'18"E Subtidal, located in the marina, mud sediment
Boulogne-sur-Mer (BL) BL1 50°43'3"N, 1°34'32"E Intertidal, industrial basin of the harbour, muddy sand sediment
18/03/2019 BL2 50°43'5"N, 1°34'32"E Intertidal, industrial basin of the harbour, slightly muddy sand sediment
Harbour BL3 50°43'4"N, 1°34'30"E Intertidal, industrial basin of the harbour, muddy sand sediment
BL4 50°43'6"N, 1°34'27"E Intertidal, industrial basin of the harbour, slightly muddy sand sediment
BL5 50°43'38"N, 1°34'15"E Intertidal, outside of the harbour, in front of dike, slightly sandy mud sediment
Figure 1. 

Location of the sampling sites (red outline) and position of the sampling stations (black outline) on French coasts of the English Channel. White crosses and circles respectively represent intertidal and subtidal sites. Names of sites are abbreviated such as BV: Bay of Veys, CO (Caen-Ouistreham harbour) O (Orne estuary), LH (Le Havre harbour), AE (Authie estuary), BL (Boulogne-sur-Mer harbour), CL (Calais harbour), DK (Dunkerque harbour).

Environmental parameters

Environmental parameters were assessed from four replicated sediment cores at each station. Three replicates were dedicated to measurement of Total Organic Carbone (TOC) and one to grain size characterisation. The three replicates for TOC analysis were first frozen, freeze-dried, crushed and pre-acidified. Then, TOC content was determined by high-temperature combustion of dry samples (60 °C, 48 h). Measurements of CO2 were finally done by thermal conductometry using an elemental analyser (FlashEA, Thermo Electron Corporation). Sediment grain size was obtained by diffraction and diffusion of a monochromatic laser beam on suspended particles (Trentesaux et al. 2001).

Foraminiferal sampling, Ammonia species identification and descriptors of species assemblages

Foraminiferal community compositions were assessed from three replicate cores, except in Boulogne-sur-Mer where only one replicate was sampled. The surface sediment (0–1 cm) was sampled from three different deployments with a Reineck corer (160 cm2) for subtidal stations or a handcorer (56 cm2) for intertidal stations. Sediment samples were preserved in ethanol and Rose Bengal solution (2 g L-1). A total of 107 samples from the 39 stations were used for foraminiferal analysis in this study.

In the laboratory, samples were sieved through a 63µm-mesh and the fraction >63µm was dried at 50 °C. Foraminifera were then concentrated by flotation using trichloroethylene (density = 1.46). For each sample, at least 300 living (stained) benthic foraminiferal individuals were collected and identified to the species level when possible, for both statistical validity (Fatela and Taborda 2002) and representativity of foraminiferal species assemblages (Schönfeld et al. 2012). Among these 300 individuals, Ammonia species were identified morphologically under a stereomicroscope following Pavard et al. (2021). Specifically, Ammonia aberdoveyensis, A. confertitesta and A. veneta were morphologically discriminated following a dichotomous procedure of discrimination based on the pore diameter and the elevation of sutures on the central part of the spiral side (Richirt et al. 2019; Richirt et al. 2021).

For each station, relative abundances (mean ± standard deviation) and absolute abundances (ind 50cm-2, mean ± standard deviation) were calculated (excluding for the site of Boulogne-sur-Mer, where only one sample was taken). Relative abundances were also calculated at the scale of sites (containing several stations). As number of stations sampled was not constant between sites (e.g. four in the Authie Estuary and seven in Dunkerque harbour) and sampling was not done at the same time (e.g. Boulogne-sur-Mer and Dunkerque harbours), relative abundances data were used instead of absolute abundances to have comparable data. Count, normalised and relative abundance data are available as Suppl. materials 13.

Indicator Value calculation

The Indicator Value index, IndVal, allows to determine if a species is indicative of a specific habitat (Dufrêne and Legendre 1997). We applied the calculation of IndVal on the normalised abundance dataset to assess if the three Ammonia species investigated here could be typical of stations in harbours or of stations located in less impacted sites outside harbours. IndVal is calculated as:

IndValij = Aij × Bij × 100

where IndVal is the Indicator Value (%) of a species i at stations of group j (i.e. either harbour or less impacted), with Aij = Nindividualsij /Nindividualsi, and Bij = Nstationsij / Nstationsj. Aij is a measure of specificity of species i where Nindividualsij is the mean number of individuals of species i across sites of group j. Nindividualsi is the sum of mean numbers of individuals of species i over all groups. Bij is a measure of fidelity. Nstationsij is the number of stations of j group where species i is present and Nstationsj is the total number of stations in that group j. Normalised numbers of individuals (for 50 cm2) were used to calculate Aij. The IndVal index calculation (iterations: n = 999; package labdsv 2.0-1, Roberts and Roberts 2016) was performed using the software R 4.2-1 (R Core Team, 2022).

Investigation of occurrences of A. confertitesta next to international commercial harbours in Europe

To investigate the causal link between the presence of commercial harbours and the occurrence of Ammonia confertitesta, we compiled datasets on its distribution from this study and from previously published distribution of this species in Europe (Holzmann 2000; Langer and Leppig 2000; Hayward et al. 2004; Ertan et al. 2004; Schweizer et al. 2011; Saad and Wade 2016; Chronopoulou et al. 2019; Richirt et al. 2019, 2021; Bird et al. 2020; Francescangeli et al. 2021). We also indicated the distance between the species occurrences and close commercial harbours and their equivalent volume of tonnage of freight (Suppl. material 4).


Environmental parameters

Total Organic Carbon values ranged from 0.81 ± 0.09% (BV3) to 10.69 ± 0.40% (D1; Table 2). Stations in the Bay of Veys exhibited the lowest values of TOC and ranged between 0.81 ± 0.09% (BV3) and 0.79 ± 0.04% (BV2). Conversely, stations in Dunkerque showed the highest TOC values, ranging from 1.45 ± 0.18% (DK4) to 10.69 ± 0.40% (DK1). On average, TOC values were higher in Dunkerque, Calais, Boulogne-sur-Mer and Le Havre harbours, indicating an enrichment in organic matter (Table 2). It is more contrasted in Caen-Ouistreham harbour where only two stations over six showed values of TOC > 2.0%. In these harbours, the poorest stations in TOC were CO1, CL5 and CL6, all situated at the most opened parts (seaward). Symmetrically, highest concentrations were measured in the most enclosed parts of the harbours, most of the time separated from the open sea by a sluice (e.g. DK1, CL3 and CO5). Sediment samples from harbour sites (i.e. Dunkerque, Calais, Le Havre) generally had a smaller grain size than samples in less impacted ones (Authie, Orne, Bay of Veys; Table 2). Silt content in Dunkerque harbour ranged from 84.3% (DK2) to 95.0 (DK7) and from 93.6% (LH2) to 95.6% (LH3) in Le Havre harbour. Conversely, stations of the Bay of Veys, the Orne and the Authie estuaries exhibited in general a higher sand content, often reaching from 20% to more than 40% in BV4 for example (Table 2). It is more contrasted in stations more exposed to open sea (i.e. CO1 and CL5) which are less muddy than other stations from their sampling sites. Finally, highest content in sand were measured in the Boulogne-sur-Mer harbour with values ranging from 66.4% to 81.3% except for the most external station BL5, which showed a substantially lower value (13.8%).

Table 2.

TOC content (%), proportions of silt and sand in sediment (%) in all sampled stations. Mean ± sd values by sites for each parameter are italicised.

Site Station TOC (%) Silt (%) Sand (%)
Dunkerque DK1 10.69 ± 0.40 90.0 9.8
DK2 4.16 ± 1.15 84.3 15.6
DK3 4.06 ± 0.05 89.5 10.4
DK4 3.38 ± 0.42 88.8 11.1
DK5 3.40 ± 0.10 85.3 14.6
DK6 3.79 ± 0.09 95.0 4.7
DK7 4.21 ± 0.08 94.1 5.8
Mean 4.81 ± 2.61 89.6 ± 4 10.3 ± 4.1
Calais CL1 3.70 ± 0.04 95.7 4.1
CL2 4.22 ± 0.57 95.3 4.6
CL3 3.85 ± 0.16 95.9 3.9
CL4 2.32 ± 0.27 84.0 15.9
CL5 1.47 ± 0.16 78.7 21.1
CL6 1.07 ± 0.22 84.5 14.1
Mean 2.77 ± 1.33 89 ± 7.5 10.6 ± 7.4
Boulogne-sur-Mer BL1 1.4 33.4 66.4
BL2 2.4 19.8 80.1
BL3 2.2 32.6 67.2
BL4 1.8 18.6 81.3
BL5 1.9 85.9 13.8
Mean 1.9 ± 0.4 38.1 ± 27.6 61.8 ± 27.7
Authie AE1 1.19 ± 0.35 81.6 18.3
AE2 1.61 ± 1.61 75.4 24.4
AE3 1.1 ± 0.21 64.9 34.9
AE4 1.88 ± 0.29 82.6 16.6
Mean 1.44 ± 0.37 76.1 ± 8.2 23.5 ± 8.3
Le Havre LH1 3.18 ± 0.07 94.4 5.2
LH2 2.1 ± 0.14 93.6 6.2
LH3 2.6 ± 0.03 95.6 4.1
LH4 2.96 ± 0.14 95.2 4.2
Mean 1.16 ± 0.2 94.7 ± 0.9 4.9 ± 1
Orne O1 1.57 ± 0.1 73.6 26.2
O2 1.36 ± 0.15 77.6 22.1
O3 2.27 ± 0.08 88.2 11.7
O4 2.54 ± 0.15 89.6 10.3
Mean 1.93 ± 0.56 82.3 ± 7.9 17.6 ± 7.8
Caen-Ouistreham CO1 0.83 ± 0.36 63.4 36.2
CO2 3.03 ± 0.23 91.4 8.5
CO3 1.95 ± 0.91 84.1 15.8
CO4 1.87 ± 0.21 82.4 17.4
CO5 3.83 ± 0.2 78.4 21.6
Mean 2.30 ± 1.16 79.9 ± 10.4 19.9 ± 10.3
Bay of Veys BV1 0.93 ± 0.02 72.9 26.9
BV2 1.84 ± 0.09 84.0 15.9
BV3 0.81 ± 0.09 61.4 38.4
BV4 1.43 ± 0.46 52.9 46.9
Mean 1.25 ± 0.48 67.8 ± 13.5 32 ± 13.5

Distribution of Ammonia species and specific habitat associated

Among Ammonia species, A. aberdoveyensis dominated in less impacted sites (Fig. 2A), especially in both the Bay of Veys (56.2 ± 27.9%) and the Orne Estuary (68.7 ± 12.0%). In contrast, A. confertitesta dominated Ammonia assemblages in almost all harbours, especially in Le Havre and Caen-Ouistreham where it dominated all stations (Fig. 2). It was more contrasted in Dunkerque, where only three out of seven stations were dominated by A. confertitesta (i.e. DK3, DK4, DK5) and A. aberdoveyensis dominated elsewhere (Fig. 2B). Only few Ammonia individuals were found in DK6 and DK7, and as such those results should be considered with caution (i.e. < 20 individuals per sample; Suppl. material 1). Ammonia veneta was barely found in harbours, with relative abundances ranging from 1.4 ± 2.4% in Dunkerque to 9.4 ± 13.7% in Caen-Ouistreham but showed greater proportions in the less impacted sites of the Bay of Veys (28.5 ± 36.2%) and the Orne Estuary (27.5 ± 11.6%). No Ammonia individuals were found in the Authie Estuary. Finally, over the 35 stations of sites investigated where Ammonia was present, only four stations (i.e. 11.4%) did not contain any Ammonia individuals, three (8.6%) contained only one of the three species, two species co-occurred in four stations (11.4%) and the three Ammonia species co-occurred in 24 stations (68.6%).

Figure 2. 

Maps representing pie charts of proportions of Ammonia veneta (red), Ammonia aberdoveyensis (green) and Ammonia confertitesta (blue) in: A sampled sites B Dunkerque harbour (DK) C Calais harbour (CL) D Boulogne-sur-Mer harbour (BL) E Le Havre harbour (LH) F Caen-Ouistreham harbour (CO) and Orne river (O) and G Bay of Veys (BV). AE: Authie estuary. White crosses represent sites and stations sampled in intertidal environments. White circles represent those which were sampled in subtidal environments.

Only A. confertitesta in harbours (i.e. highly impacted habitats) showed IndVal value greater than 60.0% (86.6%, p < 0.001; Table 3). Concerning the other two species, none of the IndVal values were significant for any habitat.

Table 3.

IndVal values for each species for less impacted and harbour habitats with the corresponding p-value and the preferential habitat.

Species IndVal for less impacted habitat (%) IndVal for harbour habitat (%) p-value Habitat Indicator
A. veneta 31.3 26.2 0.99 None
A. aberdoveyensis 20.7 56.5 0.13 None
A. confertitesta 1.1 86.6 0.001* Harbours


Co-occurrences and distribution of the three Ammonia species in French transitional waters of the English Channel

In the present work, living individuals of the three Ammonia species were present at all sites, except in the Authie Estuary. More specifically, the three species of Ammonia co-occurred in most stations. These results are sharply contrasting with molecular studies that found at most one or two Ammonia species co-occurring in a same station (Hayward et al. 2004; Saad and Wade 2016; Bird et al. 2020; Richirt et al. 2021). The three Ammonia species were recorded occurring together once at Ouistreham (Richirt et al. 2021). Noticeably, when A. confertitesta occurred, it barely co-occurred with other Ammonia species (five out of 29 locations; Bird et al. 2020), which sharply contrasts with our observations. These differences may be related to differences in the method of species identification, i.e. molecular and morphometrical (Scanning Electron Microscope, SEM) vs. morphological (stereomicroscope). Indeed, single cell molecular identification is often based on few individuals, conversely to morphological methods that allow to identify a much larger number of individuals, i.e. tens to thousands. Moreover, the stereomicroscope method, compared to the SEM one, is faster to identify Ammonia spp. individuals and then, could more quickly generate data. In the context of globalisation, where worldwide exchanges increase and ecosystems are rapidly altered, the investigation of more sites and more individuals quickly allows to build distribution maps way easier (i.e. cheaper and less-time consuming) to respectively track NIS and potential global changes associated to anthropogenic impact. However, note that if the proportion of Ammonia species in an assemblage is represented by low count data (i.e. 0 to 20 individuals), the user should be aware of the inherent error rate of the morphological method (Pavard et al. 2021).Therefore, results for DK1, DK6, DK7, CL1, CL2, CL5, CL6, BL5 and BV2 should be taken with caution.

The distribution pattern of A. veneta, which is present at almost all sites over the French coasts of the eastern part of the English Channel, is congruent with its cosmopolitan distribution characteristic (Holzmann and Pawlowski 2000; Hayward et al. 2021). It should nevertheless be stressed that this species was generally present in low abundances and proportions compared to others Ammonia species, with the exception of the intertidal stations in both the Orne River and the Bay of Veys. This intertidal preference is consistent with previous observations reporting this species in intertidal ecosystems both in mud and muddy sand soft-sediments (Saad and Wade 2016).

To date, A. aberdoveyensis has only been encountered in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea (see review in Hayward et al. 2021). In the present study, A. aberdoveyensis was the major species in the less impacted habitats of the Orne Estuary and the Bay of Veys, but also in a few stations in harbours (DK1, DK2, DK6, CL1, CL2 and LH1). Results in DK6, CL1 and CL2 should, however, be taken with care as this species was represented by only one individual at each of those stations and could be the result of events of passive transport, i.e. wave action and turbulence (Alve 1999). This species was also observed at some subtidal stations, such as in a core sampled at 34 m depth in the Grevelingen lake (Richirt et al. 2020). However, Bird et al. (2020) described A. aberdoveyensis as a species restricted to intertidal environment. In the harbour of Le Havre, while it is dominant in the intertidal station LH1 of the recreational part of the harbour, it was also recorded in the subtidal stations in the international shipping area, suggesting that the species can dwell in both intertidal and subtidal zones.

Ammonia confertitesta is known to have a disjunct geographical distribution between Asia and Europe (Hayward et al. 2004, 2021). In this study, it was the dominant Ammonia species in the subtidal studied harbours. It was only present at low abundances in the intertidal stations of the Bay of Veys and in the Orne Estuary (O1) but with high abundances in all stations of Boulogne-sur-Mer and in the sole intertidal station of Le Havre harbour (LH1). This observation contrasts with previous studies that considered A. confertitesta as an intertidal species (Saad and Wade 2016; Bird et al. 2020), but is consistent with observations of this species from both subtidal and intertidal brackish waters (Bird et al. 2020; Holzmann 2000; Pavard et al. in press; Saad and Wade 2016; Schweizer et al. 2011) to marine subtidal waters (Petersen et al. 2016; Bird et al. 2020; Richirt et al. 2020), confirming the statement of the species being an euryhaline species (Bird et al. 2020; Hayward et al. 2021). This tolerance to a large spectrum of salinity may offer an advantage to colonise different sites as shown in this study. Considering that A. confertitesta is a NIS that may have the potential to become invasive species and replace its congeneric (see Richirt et al. 2022; Pavard et al. in press and the discussion below), A. aberdoveyensis could have found a refuge higher on shores or in the inner part of an estuary, such as in the Orne Estuary, where A. confertitesta is not established yet or do not favour these kinds of environments (Richirt et al. 2021). A similar pattern was previously reported in the Brancaster Staithe high marsh (England; Richirt et al. 2021), in the Verse Meer (The Netherlands; Richirt et al. 2021) and in the Gironde Estuary (France; Pavard et al. in press) where A. aberdoveyensis was the main Ammonia species in higher parts of these systems instead of A. confertitesta, which was more abundant in lower parts. In the Elbe Estuary, A. confertitesta was reported as the dominant foraminiferal species in living assemblages, though it co-occurred with A. veneta instead of A. aberdoveyensis, which was only present in dead assemblages (Francescangeli et al. 2021). In the same study, the authors showed that A. confertitesta replaced the species Elphidium selseyense, in the living assemblages over the last 40 years. This could demonstrate the ability of A. confertitesta to replace other species at a decadal scale.

Presence of A. confertitesta close to commercial harbours: is it just a coincidence?

The latest observations of A. confertitesta in Europe tend to confirm that it is a NIS (reported in Suppl. material 4). Its distribution pattern and its dominance over its congeneric species in international commercial harbours compared to less impacted sites highly suggests that harbours may constitute the main gateway of the introduction of this species in Europe, as previously suggested by Pawlowski and Holzmann (2008). Conversely, in Asia, A. confertitesta preferably occurs in natural sites in Japan (e.g. the Ramsar site of Lake Nakaumi, Toyofuku et al. 2005) and in highly anthropised site in China (e.g. Quingdao Bay, Hayward et al. 2021). Specifically, A. confertitesta was the major Ammonia species in Le Havre, Dunkerque, Calais and Caen-Ouistreham harbours, which are respectively 1st, 3rd, 4th and 13th French harbours in terms of tonnage of freight in 2019 (, and exhibit an intense international worldwide trade. In addition, most observations of this species in France (Fig. 3, Suppl. material 4), i.e. in the Authie Estuary, the Seine Estuary, the Bay of Aiguillon (Richirt et al. 2021), the Gironde Estuary (Pavard et al. in press) and the Rhone delta (Richirt et al. 2019) were made no more than 35 km away from the international harbours of HAROPA Port, La Rochelle, Bordeaux or Marseille harbours. Likewise, in Great Britain, most observations of this species (Saad and Wade 2016; Bird et al. 2020; Richirt et al. 2021) were in the vicinity of international commercial harbours (Fig. 3). At the continental scale, from the Netherlands to Germany, Denmark or even Sweden, the distribution of A. confertitesta is geographically associated with harbours, which supports its NIS status in Europe. The species has likely been introduced through ballast waters or via hull fouling as already shown for other species of benthic foraminifera (Deldicq 2019; McGann et al. 2019; Bouchet et al. 2023).

Figure 3. 

Map showing occurrences of Ammonia confertitesta in Europe (blue dots: morphological identification; orange squares: molecular identification) and nearest commercial harbours (black crosses) from occurrences. Black circles represent freight of each harbour (in Millions of tons).

Noticeably, some smaller harbours (lower freight tonnage, i.e. Boulogne-sur- Mer, Le Tréport in France, Den Helder in The Netherlands, Husum in Germany, Ahus in Sweden) and/or A. confertitesta occurrences are located rather far from international commercial harbours. These smaller harbours are part of national to regional trade networks and are often connected to international harbours through shipping or smaller boats. The hypothesis of a secondary spread of a NIS (i.e. from international to national/regional harbours) has been well studied (Simkanin et al. 2009; Mineur et al. 2010; Zabin 2014; Costello et al. 2022) and could explain the occurrences of A. confertitesta relatively far from harbours dedicated to international trade. Over time, A. confertitesta could then have spread further from its arrival point following this hypothesis of a secondary spread. In this context, the restricted occurrence of A. confertitesta at the mouth of the Orne River (O) may been surprising given its vicinity next to the Caen-Ouistreham harbour (CO). These observations may, however, correspond to several scenarios. First, this could reflect the ongoing invasion of this species in the Orne River. Another hypothesis relates to the ability of the species to disperse according to both anthropogenic and natural structures of sites (i.e. topography and/or artificial dams). Specifically, stations from these two sites are separated by a sluice which could limit their connectivity. It is also the case in the Grevelingen lake where it is separated from the sea by a sluice (e.g Richirt et al. 2020). Moreover, the tortuosity of the estuary compared to the canal could add another obstacle to the spread of A. confertitesta.

Finally, large proportions of A. confertitesta in stations (up to 87.5%) among autochthonous Ammonia species in assemblages clearly question its invasiveness ability. In the Grevelingen lake, the recent analysis of a sediment core covering the period 1972–2012 indicated that A. confertitesta was recorded from 1986 onwards and was progressively replacing its two congeneric A. veneta and especially A. aberdoveyensis over time (Richirt et al. 2022). In addition, a monthly sampling survey sampling along a transect of the Gironde Estuary has demonstrated the dominance of A. confertitesta among congeneric species over both time and space (Pavard et al. in press), further confirming the hypothesis of its invasiveness. As done for other foraminiferal NIS (McGann et al. 2012; Deldicq 2019; Richirt et al. 2022), the sampling of long sediment cores in sampled sites of this study would allow us to determine when A. confertitesta appeared in species assemblages and eventually when it outcompeted indigenous congeneric species in stations where it was the dominant species. Nonetheless, it would be relatively difficult to sample long-cores in some dynamic systems such as estuaries (e.g. Orne). Finally, a regular monitoring of sampled sites of this study should be done to see if A. confertitesta outcompetes its congenerics over space and time and track its possible ongoing invasion, notably in the less impacted sites, outside harbours.


Thanks to recent identification method only relying on their morphology, this study documents the distribution pattern of three NE Atlantic Ammonia species (i.e. A. veneta, A. aberdoveyensis and A. confertitesta) in different sites of the English Channel French coastline. Either considered as poorly (moderately influenced estuaries) or highly (international commercial harbours) impacted by anthropogenic activities, each site was individually investigated through several sampling stations to characterise the Ammonia distribution patterns at smaller spatial scale. Our results show that conversely to previous studies, the three Ammonia species were co-occurring in most cases (24 on 35 stations). The distribution pattern of A. confertitesta clearly shows its occurrence and higher relative abundances in, or relatively close to, international commercial harbours (e.g. Le Havre or Dunkerque), corroborating previous studies reporting the species in the same zones and confirming its NIS status in Europe. We hypothesise that its presence further away in smaller harbours (e.g. Boulogne-sur-Mer) is the consequence of a secondary spread due to national or regional trades. Moreover, the dominance of A. confertitesta over its two congeneric species in several stations of this study argues for its invasive potential. Retrospective studies investigating sediment cores could be conducted to determine the introduction date of this species and to better understand the dynamic of the shift in the community composition over time.

Funding declaration

The Foram-INDIC project received financial support from the “Agence de l’Eau Artois Picardie” and the “Agence de l’Eau Seine Normandie” (Grants No. 58183 and No. 1082222, 2019, respectively).

Authors contribution

Research conceptualization: J.-C. Pavard, L. Seuront and V.M.P. Bouchet. Sampling design and methodology: V.M.P. Bouchet, J.-C. Pavard, J.-C. Dauvin and J.-P. Pezy. Investigation and data collection: J.-C. Pavard, A. Courleux, E. Armynot du Châtelet, G. Duong and R. Abraham. Data analyses and interpretation: J.-C. Pavard, V.M.P Bouchet, J. Richirt and L. Seuront. Funding provision: V.M.P. Bouchet and E. Armynot du Châtelet. Writing - original draft: J.-C. Pavard, V.M.P Bouchet, J. Richirt and L. Seuront. Writing – review and editing: all co-authors.


Christophe Routtier and Noël Filiattre, the crew of the Oceanographic Vessel Sepia II, are acknowledged for their help during sampling. This research was funded by the Agence de l’Eau Artois-Picardie and the Agence de l’Eau Seine-Normandie (Project Foram-INDIC). The Boulogne sur Mer sampling samples are part of the SURICATES project which received fundings from the Interreg North-West Europe program ( J.-C. Pavard received a PhD fellowhip received funding supports from the Agence de l’Eau Artois-Picardie and the University of Lille. The Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research (the Joseph A. Cushman Award for Student Travel) provided financial support to J.-C. Pavard to present this work at the International Symposium on Foraminifera in Perugia in June 2023. The authors are thankful to the anonymous reviewer and to the editor Kevin Ma for their suggestions.


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Supplementary materials

Supplementary material 1 

Raw counts of pooled replicates of A. aberdoveyensis, A. confertitesta and A. veneta

Jean-Charles Pavard, Vincent M.P. Bouchet, Julien Richirt, Apolyne Courleux, Eric Armynot du Châtelet, Gwendoline Duong, Romain Abraham, Jean-Philippe Pezy, Jean-Claude Dauvin, Laurent Seuront

Data type: table (excel file)

This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited.
Download file (14.37 kb)
Supplementary material 2 

Mean normalised abundances for 50cm2 of A. aberdoveyensis, A. confertitesta and A. veneta by site and station

Jean-Charles Pavard, Vincent M.P. Bouchet, Julien Richirt, Apolyne Courleux, Eric Armynot du Châtelet, Gwendoline Duong, Romain Abraham, Jean-Philippe Pezy, Jean-Claude Dauvin, Laurent Seuront

Data type: table (excel file)

This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited.
Download file (13.06 kb)
Supplementary material 3 

Mean relative abundances for 50cm2 of A. aberdoveyensis, A. confertitesta and A. veneta by site and station

Jean-Charles Pavard, Vincent M.P. Bouchet, Julien Richirt, Apolyne Courleux, Eric Armynot du Châtelet, Gwendoline Duong, Romain Abraham, Jean-Philippe Pezy, Jean-Claude Dauvin, Laurent Seuront

Data type: table (excel file)

This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited.
Download file (13.12 kb)
Supplementary material 4 

Summarising table gathering occurrence of Ammonia confertitesta in Europe

Jean-Charles Pavard, Vincent M.P. Bouchet, Julien Richirt, Apolyne Courleux, Eric Armynot du Châtelet, Gwendoline Duong, Romain Abraham, Jean-Philippe Pezy, Jean-Claude Dauvin, Laurent Seuront

Data type: table (excel file)

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